Mariager kirkes musiksider
Tir d. 23. jul 2024 kl. 19:30
3. sommerkoncert
Den belgiske organist Jan Vermeire spiller et blandet program med musik af Sweelinck, Scheidemann, Kerckhoven, Bach, Händel, Lemmens & Raison.
Tir d. 6. aug 2024 kl. 19:30
4. sommerkoncert
Arvid Gast spiller musik af Louis Marchand, Johann Sebastian Bach, André Isoir og slutter med finalen fra Charles-Marie Widors sjette orgelsymfoni.
Tir d. 20. aug 2024 kl. 19:30
5. sommerkoncert
Roger Sayer spiller musik af Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Josef Rheinberger , Johann Sebastian Bach og til sidst Johann Peter Emilius Hartmanns store sonate i g-mol
6. Åbningskoncert på kirkens nye Aubertin-orgel . . . . .

Jean-Baptiste Robin er til daglig organist ved det historiske orgel i Cathedral of St Peter in Poitiers, Frankrig.

Se Robins hjemmeside


Jean-Baptiste ROBIN,Professor of Organ in Versailles Conservatory -Organist of the Royal Chapel of Versailles Palace -Organist of the Clicquot Organ in Poitiers Cathedral

Jean-Baptiste Robin studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris where he was awarded seven First Prizes (for organ, harmony, counterpoint, 16th century polyphony, 20thcentury composition, orchestration and figured bass) and two postgraduate diplomas with honours, intheory and in organ performance.

He studied organ with Marie-Claire Alain (two years in the CRR Superieur of Paris), Olivier Latry, Michel Bouvard and Louis Robilliard. Additional studies in composition at King’s College, London,with George Benjamin.

Jean-Baptiste Robin was appointed to the prestigious post of organist of the Cathedral of St Peter in Poitiers at the age of 23.

He is also professor of Organ at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional of Versailles, and he wasappointed to the post of organist of the Royal Chapel in Versailles Palace in 2010. Jean-Baptiste Robin has a career as an organist and a composer.

As an organist has appeared throughout Europe, Japan, North Africa, and the United States, atnotable venues such as the Royal Festival Hall in London, Notre-Dame de Paris, Musashino inTokyo, and at international festivals such as Toulouse-les-orgues, Masevaux, Saint-Bertrand deComminges, Porto, Freiberg, Coblenz, Haarlem, Monaco and Cincinnati.

He has given master classes on French organ music for the American Guild of Organists, at theInternational Summer Academy in Haarlem, the Sapporo Organ Academy, the Hochschule ofTübingen and Rottenburg (Germany), Conservatory of Music of Cincinnati and each year at theAcademy in la Chaise-Dieu and the Poitiers Summer Academy.

His recordings, which include the complete works of Felix Mendelssohn, Louis Marchand(Triton label) and François Couperin (published by Naxos), have been hailed by the specialied pressand awarded highest distinctions in France.


Jean-Baptiste Robin is the composer of some fifteen pieces ranging from solo instrument tosymphony orchestra, and was a prize-winner of the Lagardère Foundation, the Institut des Beaux-Arts and the George Enesco composition prize from Sacem. His pieces are performed all around theworld and were commissioned by the Philharmonia Orchestra of London, Radio France, theOrchestre National de Lyon, etc. He was awarded the François Prize in Roubaix, and won the Composition Competition of the City of Nice, the Grand Prix of the City of Bordeaux and the Audience Prize at the Dom Bedos Composition Competition.

His organ scores are published by Gérard Billaudot Editeur.

In 2010, two new releases will be featured, including the organ works by Jean-Baptiste Robin ontwo great Parisian organs (label Naxos) and the complete Jehan Alain organ music (label Brillant Classics). In May he will have a first premiere conducted by Pierre Boulez with the EnsembleIntercomtenporain in Salle Pleyel/Paris (commissioned by Ensemble Intercontemporain).

Golden Diapason of the Year, Choc by the Monde de la, Recommandé by Classica and Répertoire).


Koncertprogram . . . . .
Johann Sebastian Bach
Passacaglia i c-mol  (BWV 582)13:00
Nicolas de Grigny
Tierce en taille05:00
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Sonate nr. 3 i A-dur  (opus 65,3)
  Con moto maestoso
  Andante tranquillo
Franz Liszt
Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H00:00
Jean-Baptiste Robin
Regard vers l'Aïr (A look towards the Aïr)00:00
Béla Bartók
Seks Rumænske Folkedanse Sz 68

  1. Joc cu nâta (Dance with Sticks)
  2. Bräul (Waistband Dance)
  3. Pe loc (Stamping Dance)
  4. Buciumeana
  5. (Hormpipe Dance)
  6. Poarga romaneasca and Maruntel (Polka and Quick Dance)
Jehan Alain
Litanies  (JA 119)05:00

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Kirkens organist
Mikael Ustrup
Klosterstien 12
DK-9550 Mariager
Mobil: 61 35 54 47

Mail: organist(ad)

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